Home Hardening & Wildfire Defense in Marin, Contra Costa, Napa, & San Francisco Counties

Home Hardening & Wildfire Defense in Marin, Contra Costa, Napa, & San Francisco Counties

In your area, there might be a possibility of a wildfire, and it is paramount to protect your home against it. At Eco Attic Systems, we understand the devastating impact that wildfires can have on homes and communities. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive home hardening and wildfire defense solutions. These solutions encompass a range of measures designed to minimize the risk of ignition and increase the property's resilience against wildfires. 

We offer protection in all situations, Whether direct flames of a wildfire, radiant heat from a burning mass nearby, or flying embers. Our experts assess your property and then offer solutions that will enable you to stay well-prepared in the advent of a wildfire. By investing in our home hardening services, you can take proactive steps to safeguard your homes and communities against the destructive impact of wildfires. Call us to talk to our team today.

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Our Home Hardening Services

Ember-Resistant Vent Installation

Embers can travel long distances during a wildfire and ignite flammable materials around your property. Our ember-resistant vent installation involves replacing standard vents with ember-resistant vents with fine-mesh screens to prevent ember intrusion. These vents help reduce the risk of embers entering the building through ventilation systems, mitigating the potential for internal ignitions.

Roof Hardening

Our roof hardening services focus on strengthening your property roof to make it more resistant to wildfires. We can use fire-resistant roofing materials such as Class A-rated asphalt shingles, metal roofs, or tile roofs. We also offer fire-retardant coatings to enable roof hardening. Our experts ensure the proper installation of roofing materials to minimize the risk of ember intrusion and flame penetration on your property.

Exterior Siding and Wall Protection

During a wildfire, radiant heat can cause exterior walls and siding to ignite. Our home hardening services often include installing fire-resistant exterior siding materials, such as fiber cement siding or stucco, to create a barrier against flames and embers. Additionally, our technicians will create defensible space by removing flammable vegetation and using non-combustible materials around the perimeter of your building. It helps reduce the risk of fire spreading to the structure.

Window and Glass Protection

Windows are vulnerable during wildfires due to their susceptibility to radiant heat and ember impact. Our window and glass protection services involve installing tempered or laminated glass, which is more resistant to shattering during extreme heat exposure. Applying window films that provide additional heat resistance and using ember-resistant screens can further enhance the protection of windows and prevent ember entry. Our experts will offer the same if you need it.

Wildfire Fuel Reduction

Our wildfire fuel reduction services focus on creating defensible space around your property by managing vegetation and removing potential fuel sources. This service includes tree and limb pruning, brush clearance, and strategically placing fire-resistant plants. Reducing the amount of combustible vegetation near the property can slow the spread of wildfires, providing firefighters with a better chance to defend the structure. We can help you with it.

Firebreak Construction

We can help you create a firebreak. Firebreaks are strategically designed areas that make a break in vegetation, acting as a barrier against the spread of wildfires. Our firebreak construction involves clearing vegetation, creating a gap or buffer zone, and implementing erosion control measures. These firebreaks help to slow down or redirect wildfires, reducing the risk of direct flame contact with the property.

Emergency Preparedness Planning

Along with physical modifications, our team at Eco Attic Systems includes emergency preparedness planning. This planning involves working with you to develop evacuation plans, establish communication strategies, and provide education on wildfire safety. By being prepared and informed; you can respond effectively during wildfire events, ensuring the safety of yourself and your family.

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